Thursday, November 17, 2011

TIGER Magazine #3 - Review

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Hi guys, last days I received one of the most beautiful...and the largest magazine who I've ever seen. Besides the cover looks fantastic, the content looks as well.
The third issue of TIGER Magazine comes with two different covers (you can see them here). Once again, the biannual publication covers creative contemporary culture bringing together icons from the world of art, fashion and design. 
The magazine is produced in Spain, but is distributed in U.S.A. , Australia, Africa or Europe (click here for the distribution list).
Also, an important detail is the size of the magazine. The dimensions of the page in TIGER are 28,3 x 42,6 cm, twice as Vogue or GQ.

Some editorials (photos taken by me)

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Photographer: Jonas Bresnan
Model: Ilva Heitmann

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Photographer: Rachel de Zoode
Stylist: Erin lewis
Models: Rae, Cristina Piccone and Christian

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Photographer: Thomas Lhor
Stylist: Katy Lassen
Model: Ilva Heitmann

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Photographer: Esperanza Moya
Stylist: Alberto Murta
Model: Ranya Mordanova

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Photographer: Terenza Zelenkova

LYRYCS is an extension of TIGER which contains interviews and articles.
Some examples:
- an article about George Sand
 - an article about Yakoi Kusama
- an article about Chelsea Hotel
- an mega interview with Felix Barrett
- an interview with Meadham Kirchhoff
and more

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More photos:

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More details about this magazine here.